Endoscopic Complications & Crew Resource Management

Training On-Site

Start 02. June 2025, 12:30
End 04. June 2025, 17:30

Location: Training Centre EMEA

Course language: German
Target audience:
This course is aimed at doctors and endoscopy specialists with different levels of experience to improve their individual and team-related ability to react to complications.
Registration as a team is recommended.

Due to the integration of the seminar ‘Sedation and Emergency Management in Endoscopy for Endoscopy Nurses and Assistants’, a ‘Propofol Course Refresher Certificate’ in accordance with the DEGEA / DGVS specifications can be acquired at the same time as this course (registration no. DEGEA-DGVS-R-2025-141).

Recognition of the course, in accordance with § 6 ff. of the further training regulations for doctors from the North Rhine region in the currently valid version, is requested from the North Rhine Medical Association.
Recognition remains non-binding until the Medical Association of North Rhine has issued its decision and cannot be guaranteed.

Healthcare professionals:

For participants from the professional nursing group, this course is going to be recognised via the Registration of Professional Nurses and thus offers the possibility of acquiring education points.
Recognition remains non-binding until the Registration of Professional Nurses has issued its decision and cannot be guaranteed.
In addition, our courses are endorsed by the ESGENA (European Society of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Nurses and Associates) (ESGENA Endorsement).

Furthermore, we have been officially recognised by the DEGEA and DGVS for this course to hold the seminar ‘Sedation and Emergency Management in Endoscopy for Endoscopy Nurses and Assistants’ on the basis of the AWMF S3 guideline and the DEGEA curriculum.



  • Propofol sedation course according to S3 guideline ‘Refresher’

    • Analgosedation procedure

    • Update on structural quality and periendoscopic care

  • Management of endoscopic complications

    • Complications in the pancreo-biliary area

    • Haemorrhage as a complication

    • Perforation as a complication

    • Complications in the context of resections

  • Crew resource management

  • Emergency management


Practical exercises on 3D-, animal models and human patient simulators


02.06.2025 13:30

Registration and snack

02.06.2025 13:45

Welcome and introduction

02.06.2025 14:00

Theoretical part: Analgosedation procedure

02.06.2025 14:45


02.06.2025 15:00

Theoretical part: Update on structural quality and periendoscopic care

02.06.2025 16:30


02.06.2025 16:45

Multiple choice test

02.06.2025 17:30

End of the first course day

03.06.2025 09:30

Theoretical part

03.06.2025 10:30


03.06.2025 10:45

Szenario I - Endoscopic complications

03.06.2025 11:45


03.06.2025 12:00

Szenario II - Endoscopic complications

03.06.2025 13:00


03.06.2025 13:15

Szenario III - Endoscopic complications

03.06.2025 14:15


03.06.2025 14:30

Szenario IV - Endoscopic complications

03.06.2025 15:30


03.06.2025 16:30

End of the second course day

03.06.2025 17:30

Joint dinner

04.06.2025 09:00

Theoretical part: Introduction to crew resource management

04.06.2025 09:45


04.06.2025 10:00

Workshop: Emergency management

04.06.2025 12:15


04.06.2025 13:15

Scenario I & debriefing

04.06.2025 14:00


04.06.2025 14:15

Scenario II & debriefing

04.06.2025 15:00


04.06.2025 15:15

Scenario III & debriefing

04.06.2025 16:00


04.06.2025 16:15

Scenario IV & debriefing

04.06.2025 17:00


04.06.2025 17:15

Farewell and certificate of attendance

04.06.2025 17:30

End of the third course day

If you have any further questions or would like more information, please send us an e-mail or call us on +49 (0)211 73 27 626 84.